Sunday, August 12, 2007

Knulp on bike

I'm still in the Twin Cities enjoying the last full day of my listless, relaxing vacation from vacation. I just finished reading a great novella entitled "Knulp" written by Hermann Hesse. It's a great story about an amiable vagabond who travels from place to place relying on the generosity of friends and strangers and who brings a bit of cheer and joy to all he meets.

I fancy that on our trip, Eric and I are in a way like the beautifully unproductive Knulp, roaming from place to place, philosophizing superficially, occasionally breaking out into song, meeting and conversing with random people, and from time to time being taken off the street by generous people who seem to glean as much pleasure from hearing about our adventures as we do from getting a warm shower.

But alas, unlike Knulp, our rambling, wayfaring, bike-riding lifestyle will one day come to an end and we will inevitably return to "the real world". Having gone a little more than halfway, Eric and I were discussing the other day about what things we will take away from the trip. In that regard, I hope that, like Knulp, we'll have taken away some meaning and wisdom from among all of our tramping.


Anonymous said...

yo jason & eric,
keep up the great work!!! großartige sache die ihr da macht!!! wenn ihr diese fahrradtour hinter euch habt seid ihr bestens für den vatertag 2008 in deutschland gewappnet!!! ;)))
in diesem sinne, haut in die pedale!!
beste grüße, ralf

Rambling-Biking-Jason said...

An welchem Tag liegt Vatertag 2008??? Wir werden sehr Fit aber das Aeppelwoi-training faellt... Das waere trotzdem ja toll!