Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Smooth Sailing!

What a difference a day makes! Today was just about the polar opposite of yesterday. The devel in the sky was obscured by clouds, it was nice and cool and we had a hint of a tail wind, which was all we needed!

I felt really great this morning after having slept in a real bed. After eating a great bacon and eggs breakfast that Cindy cooked for us, we headed out and biked 104 miles to Havre, MT. Don't be fooled by the French spelling - it's pronounced about as American and unFrench as you can possibly say it. It's a great little town if you're interested in hamburgers, gambling, and/or massive road construction.

Along the way today, we stopped in the town of Rudyard, populated, according to the sign, by "596 nice people and 1 old sore head!" Talking with an old-timer, we learned that the one old sore head died a couple years back and they held a contest to appoint a new old sore head. Apparently, the guy who runs the gas station on the corner is the current old sore head.

Our main motivation for stoping in Rudyard wasn't to seek out the angst of the old sore head sage, but to visit a cool dinosaur museum there. The museum was really cool and featured dino bones you could actually touch! Behind the dinosaur museum as a town museum housed in the old train depot. My favorite artifact was the button that read:

Rudyard, Montana

Shaving Permit

50th Anniversary

According to the museum currator, when the town celebrated it's 50th anniversary, all the men stopped shaving and they sold these buttons to all the men who wanted to shave to raise money for the festivities! How funny!

We finally ended up in Havre, Montana, and are staying overnight at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. My pastor in DC, Pastor John, emailed a pastor friend of his in Williston, North Dakota, who called me before the trip and offered to put us up there. We happened to already have a place to stay there, so he gave me the name of Pastor Schultz here in Havre who I called up. It turns out Pastor Schultz is a really nice guy and let us stay over night at the church!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey cool page i live in this town named rudyard, and my father is the old sore head with the gas station on the corner!